
Welcome to Markets Global USA.

Our mission is to provide business clients with cost efficient marketing capabilities that reach deep into SIC business markets and consumer Zip Code niches (250 million unique USA record).  We provide penetrating branding to secure new and repeat customers.  Clients can flood their consumer and business market niches with their corporate images, products and services. Branding has never been more effective. Whether our Client’s  company sells to local, regional or national markets, we can provide deep penetration into market niches for their messages and promotions.  Market penetration.

Markets Global USA’s master business database contains 39+ million business contacts in 50 States. We offer B2B campaigns that are defined by Standard Industrial Classification Codes (SIC) and/or geographic selections that reach Businesses in local, regional or national markets.

Our email delivery rate for consumers and businesses are upwards of 80% with our proprietary databases. 

Our prices are a fraction of what comparable business and consumer lists cost.

With Markets Global USA you can protect your market share while still growing sales.  Markets Global USA Benefits

Do you need qualified leads?  Online sales?  In store traffic?  Branding? or other marketing services –  Markets Global USA is ready to help grow and protect your markets and ministries:

  1. Supermarkets / Grocery stores
  2. Pharmacies
  3. Department Stores
  4. Restaurants,
  5. Construction,
  6. TV/Radio Broadcasters,
  7. Auto Dealers,
  8. Churches,
  9. Insurance, and more

Click this link if you would like one Marketing Specialists contact you:

Yes, I would like to know how Zip Code Marketing can help my business grow. 

Markets Global USA regularly updates its database with new consumers and businesses.

Markets Global USA has a total 1.3 billion consumer and business contacts in 156 countries.

We invite you to take a close look at this website. We believe you will be pleasantly surprised to find that our marketing capabilities can provide your business with exceptional market penetration.

We will provide your business with a professional market penetration strategy at no cost.  Our mission is to show our clients how they can grow their businesses in both good and bad economies.

About RC

Markets Global's team of professionals include experts in market penetration strategies, database development and more. Our company started in 1997.
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